Learning from Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - SUDI SIDS and Safer Sleep for Babies Training

Date & Time:

Monday 27 January 2025 (13:30 - 16:30)

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Shipman Youth Zone, 340 Prince Regent Lane, London,



To understand what is meant by SUDI and to raise awareness and consistency in the information that is being shared. This session will provide information on local and regional services and guidance that are available so that practitioners can support children and families in the right way.


Learning outcome          

  • Understanding of the local SUDI statistics
  • Potential risks and protective factors
  • Tackling unexplained deaths, and reducing their number
  • The agencies and individuals who can help to reduce the risk
  • Current advice on SIDS and Smoking and the dangers of co-sleeping
  • Local future plans in preventing SUDI
  • Case studies


Target Audience

Aimed at professionals and practitioners that work with families in a role where giving safer sleep advice is part of their core role


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:

Venue Details:

Shipman Youth Zone, 340 Prince Regent Lane, London,