Introducing the Sunrise Hub - Supporting the Health and Recovery of Children Affected by Sexual Abuse

Date & Time:

Thursday 8 May 2025 (14:00 - 16:30)

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ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,


The Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse has heard from victims and survivors of the psychological and physical affects on well-being, family and intimate relationships, faith, education and career. For some victims and survivors these effects endure throughout adult life.

This half-day training aims to provide a space for front line professionals to understand local services and reflect on the support needs of children and families affected.

Learning Objectives:

  • Increased awareness of identifying and responding to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) concerns
  • Increased awareness of the CSA response pathway
  • Learn about the medical and emotional support needed following an allegation of sexual abuse/assault.
  • Understand what is involved in a holistic health assessment for child sexual abuse and the difference between the various type of medicals available.
  • Understand the service offered at the North East London Sunrise Hub and other services available in the area.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Venue Details:

ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,