Cultural Competence and Safeguarding

Date & Time:

Thursday 9 May 2024 (9.30 - 15.30)

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ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,


This course aims to enhance practitioners’ knowledge of the complexities of safeguarding children and families when faith and belief are possible factors.  Explore the risks and highlight strengths within this arena for some children and families.

  • Understand how cultural/faith values and beliefs: witchcraft, spirit possession, child brides and (dis) honour-related abuse - may play a role within some families.
  • Exploration of beliefs with families to understand the level of risk, if any
  • Considering how cultural and religious values and beliefs can be utilised as potential strengths
  • Awareness of how different communities may perceive child abuse within the context of cultural and faith values.
  • Awareness of legislation pertaining to equality, discrimination and understanding of anti-discriminatory practice within the context of safeguarding children.
  • Reflect critically on how practitioners' personal values could impact professional judgements and decision-making.


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:


Day workshop



Alix Walton

Venue Details:

ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,