Adolescent Mental Health: Understanding Risks and Promoting Positive well being

Date & Time:

Tuesday 7 May 2024 (9.30 - 15.30)

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ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,


Enable participants to recognise the increased prevalence of emotional distress and deliberate self-harming behaviours among young people and provide tools on how to respond appropriately and proportionately to risks presented.


By the end of the training session, training participants will be able to:

  • Understand current research on the prevalence of mental health issues, deliberate self-harming behaviours amongst young people and the impact of the Covid pandemic on their well-being and development
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the risk factors and antecedents which contribute to social and psychological traumas experienced by young people’s vulnerabilities.
  • Ensure that the young people and family assessment are holistic and consider and analyses issues of culture, ethnicity and religion, including the young person and family’s strengths
  • Understanding the role of cultural and gender factors in understanding children’s emotional distress, sense of belonging and the impact on different presentations, including self-harm and suicidality
  • Describe the significant role of internet, online social media communication and peer influence in escalating emotional distress and self-harming behaviours among young people.
  • Use of holistic model of interventions, including THRIVE Model, to engage with and improve children emotional wellbeing
  • Demonstrate knowledge of local resources and national resources that can support vulnerable adolescents and their families, including Early Help and preventative and therapeutic services .


Booking has now closed for this event.

Further Information:



Marcia Rice

Venue Details:

ONLINE - MS Teams/Zoom,